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Questpond's Weekend Training

Azure Basic to Advance Training

Live Faculty based special training for QuestPond's 5 years Subscription Holders


Other benefits included with Weekend Live Training

  • 5 Years Online Access
  • .NET Courses with Downloading View All
  • Email/Zoom priority support for doubts/query
  • Access to Weekend Live Training. Syllabus as below.
  • Unlimited Mock Interview (on appointment basis)
  • CV Building & Career Guidance

Azure Basic to Advanced Weekend Live Training Syllabus starting from 16th March 2024

✭ Azure Basics

Basic Azure Concepts

  • Why Cloud and Pay as you go model?
  • IAAS , PAAS and SAAS
  • Private , Public and Hybrid cloud
  • Capex and Opex ,Consumption based model
  • Opening up Azure Account
  • Resource and Resource groups, Azure resource manager.
  • Creating First Azure virtual Machine and understanding all the above concepts.
  • Understanding terms High Availability, Scalability, Elasticity, Agility, Fault Tolerance, and Disaster Recovery
  • ✭ Azure Developer Track

    Azure Developer Track

  • Azure App Service.
  • Function Apps
  • Logic Apps
  • Web jobs
  • Security

  • OpenId , OpenId connect
  • OAuth , OAuth 2.0
  • Integrating security with Web application.
  • Storages

  • Azure SQL Server
  • DTU , EDTU Calculation
  • Blobs, Queues , tables and Files.
  • (Tied up with Azure)
  • Azure Web APP

  • Create an Azure table
  • C# Insert update, Query and delete
  • 10 best practices.
  • To the point queries , Partion key , row key
  • Duplicate is ok
  • Compund keys
  • Hot partitions
  • EGT Avoid new Azure tables
  • Delete pattern
  • Large entities
  • Intra partition
  • Inter partition
  • Concurrency ETag why did not work.
  • Concurrency ETag why did not work.
  • Azure Blobs
  • Types of blobs
  • Append, Page blob and Block blobs
  • Simple blob upload
  • Uploading block blob in chunks
  • Append blob
  • Page blob
  • Log reading
  • Blob – Function App
  • Visual logic app
  • Complicated one
  • Creating Azure Queues
  • Send message . Receive message
  • Peeking Messages
  • Dequeue
  • Demo by using C# files
  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • APIM

  • What is APIM ?
  • Importing an API Service
  • Understanding the inbound, output bound and backend
  • Talk about products
  • Applying input policies.
  • Seeing some demos of output plicies
  • Restrict IP Address
  • Limit rate calls
  • Removed asp headers
  • Versioning is for the end users
  • Revision is for code
  • APIM Security with Oauth
  • Revision and Versioning of APIM
  • Security in Azure APIM Oauth and openId
  • Error handling
  • Messaging

  • Azure Queues, Events and Service Bus
  • Logging and Telemetry

  • Logging and Telemetry
  • Monitoring
  • ✭ Azure Infrastructure ( Covering Docker and Kubernetes)

    Azure networking

  • IP, Subnet
  • Create a simple Vnet
  • Understanding NSG
  • Uploading block blob in chunks
  • Pinging
  • Fire walls and Load Balancers

  • Demo of Azure front door service
  • Demo of Azure front door service
  • Azure CDN and Front door services
  • WAF (Web Application firewall)
  • Traffic Manager
  • Automation

  • Power shell
  • ARM templates
  • Azure Automate
  • Docker and Kubernetes

  • Docker is a software which implements container
  • Docker , enable docker for windows
  • DockerFile , DockerIgnore
  • Docker build
  • Docker Run
  • Hosting on ACR
  • Understanding K8 Architecture.
  • AKS
  • ✭ Azure DevOps


  • What is DevOps ?
  • CI CD CU
  • Azure piple line
  • YAML
  • Checked in , Build start , Release , updated in to Azure APP Service
  • Unit testing inside the pipe line
  • Basic YAML from Azure pipeline
  • Ansible
  • Terraform
  • Pupet
  • ✭ Azure Machine Learning, AI

    Azure Data Factory

  • What is Data factory?
  • Building pipelines, Data flows
  • Data transformation and orchestration.
  • Azure AI ML

  • Understanding Azure learning work space.
  • Train, optimize, manage and consume models.
  • Azure cognitive services and machine learning designer.
  • Big data

  • Data lakes
  • Data bricks
  • Apache Spark , HD insight
  • # Date Week Time Topic Platform Participants Trainer
    1 13-07-2024 Saturday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala
    2 14-07-2024 Sunday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala
    3 20-07-2024 Saturday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala
    4 21-07-2024 Sunday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala
    5 27-07-2024 Saturday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala
    6 28-07-2024 Sunday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala
    7 03-08-2024 Saturday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala
    8 04-08-2024 Sunday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala
    9 10-08-2024 Saturday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala
    10 11-08-2024 Sunday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala
    11 17-08-2024 Saturday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala
    12 18-08-2024 Sunday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala
    13 24-08-2024 Saturday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala
    14 25-08-2024 Sunday 9 to 10 PM Azure Basic to Advance ZOOM QuestPond Subscribers Shivprasad Koirala

    Training Details with Link to attend will get updated under subscription portal. Login into your subscription account Training will start at sharp 9:00pm India Time and attendees can enter training room by 8:30 PM(IST).

    Current Training

    Below are the features of the training: -

    • Training will happen every Saturday and Sunday for 1 hour each.
    • Timings are from India 9 PM to 10 PM.
    • Training will continue until the Syllabus will be completed.
    • Live Training Recordings.
    • Access to more than 1000 step by step training videos.
    • Access to all live training which will be happening in coming 5 years.
    • Cost of 5 years subscription - 9500 INR/170$ (Subscription Videos + Weekend Live Training).

    Our Offer:

    Rs. 9500 / 170$ Includes All Video Access For 5 Years + All Weekend Live Training.

    Click to Check Videos List.

    Training Details + Training Time Table ↓