• Difference between control flow and data flow in ssis

    asked on 28th Oct, 2020 by Guru - Category : MSBI Q & A

    I don't entirely understand the purpose of control flow in an SSIS package. In all of the packages I've created, I simply add a data flow component to control flow and then the rest of the logic is located within the data flow.

    I've seen examples of more complicated control flows (EX: foreach loop container that iterates over lines in an Excel file.), but am looking for an example where it could not also be implemented in the data flow. I could just as easily create a connection to the excel file within the data flow.

    I'm trying to get a better understanding of when I would need to (or should) implement logic in control flow vs using the data flow to do it all.

    What prompted me to start looking into control flow and it's purpose is that I'd like to refactor SSIS data flows as well as break packages down into smaller packages in order to make it easier to support concurrent development.

    I'm trying to wrap my mind around how I might use control flow for these purposes.

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