C# Interview Questions and Answers

3+ Hours of Q&A Videos with Source Codes (Subscription Validity For 8 Months)

Trainer: Shivprasad Koirala

What you'll learn :-

C# is a type-safe and simple object-oriented programming language. This course covers 150 interview questions and answers ranging from basic to advanced C#. So, whether you're a beginner looking to become a C# developer or an experienced professional looking to switch job, you've arrived at the correct location.

Course Content

  • Question 1 :- Explain difference between .NET and C# ?
  • Question 2 :- .NET Framework vs .NET Core vs .NET 5.0
  • Question 3 :- What is IL ( Intermediate Language) Code ?
  • Question 4 :- What is the use of JIT ( Just in time compiler) ?
  • Question 5 :- Is it possible to view IL code ?
  • Question 6 :- What is the benefit of compiling in to IL code ?
  • Question 7 :- Does .NET support multiple programming languages ?
  • Question 8 :- What is CLR ( Common Language Runtime) ?
  • Question 9 :- What is managed and unmanaged code ?
  • Question 10 :- Explain the importance of Garbage collector ?
  • Question 11 :- Can garbage collector claim unmanaged objects ?
  • Question 12 :- What is the importance of CTS ?
  • Question 13 :- Explain CLS ?
  • Question 14 :- Difference between Stack vs Heap ?
  • Question 15 :- What are Value types & Reference types?
  • Question 16 :- Explain boxing and unboxing ?
  • Question 17 :- What is consequence of boxing and unboxing ?
  • Question 18 :- Explain casting, implicit casting and explicit casting ?
  • Question 19 :- What can happen during explicit casting ?
  • Question 20 :- Differentiate between Array and ArrayList ?
  • Question 21 :- Whose performance is better array or arraylist ?
  • Question 22 :- What are generic collections ?
  • Question 23 :- What are threads (Multithreading)?
  • Question 24 :- How are threads different from TPL ?
  • Question 25 :- How do we handle exceptions in C#(try/catch)?
  • Question 26 :- What is the need of finally?
  • Question 27 :- Why do we need the out keyword ?
  • Question 28 :- What is the need of Delegates ?
  • Question 29 :- What are events ?
  • Question 30 :- Whats the difference between Abstract class and interface ?
  • Question 31 - What is a Delegate and how to create a Delegate?
  • Question 32 - Where have you used Delegates?
  • Question 33 - What is a Multicast Delegates?
  • Question 34 - What is an Event?
  • Question 35 - How to Create an Event?
  • Question 36 - Delegate VS Events.
  • Question 37 :- Why do we need OOP ?
  • Question 38 :- What are the important pillars of OOPs ?
  • Question 39 :- What is a class and object ?
  • Question 40 :- Abstraction vs Encapsulation?
  • Question 41 :- Explain Inheritance ?
  • Question 42 :- Explain virtual keyword ?
  • Question 43 :- What is overriding ?
  • Question 44 :- Explain overloading ?
  • Question 45 :- Overloading vs Overriding ?
  • Question 46 :- Explain static vs dynamic polymorphism ?
  • Question 47 :- Explain operator overloading ?
  • Question 48 :- Why do we need Abstract classes ?
  • Question 49 :- Are Abstract methods virtual ?
  • Question 50 :- Can we create a instance of Abstract classes ?
  • Question 51 :- Is it compulsory to implement Abstract methods ?
  • Question 52 :- Why simple base class replace Abstract class ?
  • Question 53 :- Explain interfaces and why do we need it ?
  • Question 54 :- Can we write logic in interface ?
  • Question 55 :- Can we define methods as private in interface ?
  • Question 56 :- If i want to change interface whats the best practice ?
  • Question 59 :- Explain Multiple inheritance in Interface ?
  • Question 60 :- Explain Interface Segregation principle ?
  • Question 61 :- Can we create instance of interface ?
  • Question 62 :- Can we do Multiple inheritance with Abstract classes ?
  • Question 63 :- Abstract Class vs interface interview questions and answers.
  • Question 64 :- Why do we need constructors ?
  • Question 65 :- In parent child which constructor fires first ?
  • Question 66 :- How are initializers executed ?
  • Question 67 :- How are static constructors executed in Parent child ?
  • Question 68 :- When does static constructor fires ?
  • Question 69 :- What is Shadowing?
  • Question 70 :- Explain method hiding?
  • Question 71 :- Shadowing vs Overriding ?
  • Question 72 :- When do we need Shadowing ?
  • Question 73 :- Explain Sealed Classes ?
  • Question 74 :- Can we create instance of sealed classes ?
  • Question 75 :- What are nested classes and when to use them ?
  • Question 76 :- Can Nested class access outer class variables ?
  • Question 77 :- Can we have public,protected access modifiers in nested class ?
  • Question 78 :- Explain Partial classes ?
  • Question 79 :- In What scenarios do we use partial classes ?
  • Question 80 :- What is SOLID ?
  • Question 81 :- What is the full form of SOLID ?
  • Question 82 :- What is the goal of SOLID ?
  • Question 83 :- Explain SRP with A example ?
  • Question 84 :- What is the benefit of SRP ?
  • Question 85 :- Explain OCP with a example ?
  • Question 86 :- What is the benefit of OCP ?
  • Question 87 :- Can you explain LISKOV Principle and it's violation?
  • Question 88 :- How can we fix LISKOV Problem ?
  • Question 89 :- Explain Interface Segregation Principle ?
  • Question 90 :- Is there a connection between LISKOV and ISP ?
  • Question 91 :- Define dependency inversion ?
  • Question 92 :- What is higher level module and lower level module ?
  • Question 93 :- How does dependency inversion benefit, show with an example ?
  • Question 94 :- Will only Dependency inversion solve decoupling problem ?
  • Question 95 :- Why do developers move object creation outside high lever module ?
  • Question 96 :- Explain IOC ( Inversion of Control) ?
  • Question 97 :- Explain Dependency Injection with an example ?
  • Question 98 :- Is SOLID, IOC and DI design pattern or Principle?
  • Question 99 :- Is only SOLID Enough for good code/ architecture ?
  • Question 100 :- What are the different types of "USING/HAS A" relationship ?
  • Question 101 :- What is a composition relationship ?
  • Question 102 :- Explain Aggregation ?
  • Question 103 :- Explain Association ?
  • Question 104 :- Differentiate between Composition vs Aggregation vs Association ?
  • Question 105 :- UML Symbols for Composition, Aggregation and Association
  • Question 106 :- Explain stack and Heap ?
  • Question 107 :- Where are stack and heap stored ?
  • Question 108 :- What goes on stack and what goes on heap ?
  • Question 109 :- How is the stack memory address arranged ?
  • Question 110 :- How is stack memory deallocated LIFO or FIFO ?
  • Question 111 :- How are primitive and objects stored in memory?
  • Question 112 :- Can primitive data types be stored in heap ?
  • Question 113 :- Explain value types and reference types ?
  • Question 114 :- Explain byval and byref ?
  • Question 115 :- Differentiate between copy byvalue and copy byref ?
  • Question 116 :- What is boxing and unboxing ?
  • Question 117 :- Is boxing unboxing good or bad ?
  • Question 118 :- Can we avoid boxing and unboxing ?
  • Question 119 :- What effect does boxing and unboxing have on performance ?
  • Question 120 :- Are string allocated on stack or heap ?
  • Question 121 :- How many stack and heaps are created for an application ?
  • Question 122 :- How are stack and heap memory deallocated ?
  • Question 123 :- Who clears the heap memory ?
  • Question 124 :- Where is structure allocated Stack or Heap ?
  • Question 125 :- Are structures copy byval or copy byref ?
  • Question 126 :- Can structures get created on Heap ?
  • Question 127: - Explain Garbage collector (GC)?
  • Question 128:- How does Garbage collector know when to clean the objects ?
  • Question 129 :- Is there a way we can see this Heap memory ?
  • Question 130 :- Does Garbage collector clean primitive types ?
  • Question 131: - Managed vs UnManaged code/objects/resources?
  • Question 132:- Can garbage collector clean unmanaged code ?
  • Question 133:- Explain Generations ?
  • Question 134:- What is GC0,GC1, and GC2 ?
  • Question 135:- Why do we need Generations ?
  • Question 136:- Which is the best place to clean unmanaged objects ?
  • Question 137:- How does GC behave when we have a destructor ?
  • Question 138:- What do you think about empty destructor ?
  • Question 139:- Explain the Dispose Pattern?
  • Question 140 :- Finalize vs Destructor ?
  • Question 141:- What is the use of using keyword ?
  • Question 142:- Can you force Garbage collector ?
  • Question 143:- Is it a good practice to force GC ?
  • Question 144:- How can we detect a memory issues ?
  • Question 145:- How can we know the exact source of memory issues ?
  • Question 146 :- What is a memory leak ?
  • Question 147 :- Can .NET Application have memory leak as we have GC?
  • Question 148:- How to detect memory leaks in .NET applications ?
  • Question 149:- Explain weak and strong references ?
  • Question 150 :- When will you use weak references ?
  • Question 151:- What are design patterns?
  • Question 152 :- Which are the different types of design patterns?
  • Question 153 :- Explain structural , Behavioral and Creational design pattern ?
  • Question 154:- Explain Singleton Pattern and the use of the same?
  • Question 155:- How did you implement singleton pattern?
  • Question 156:- Can we use Static class rather than using a private constructor?
  • Question 157:- Static vs Singleton pattern?
  • Question 158:- How did you implement thread safety in Singleton?
  • Question 159:- What is double null check in Singleton?
  • Question 160:- Can Singleton pattern code be made easy with Lazy keyword?
  • Question 161:- Can we rid of this double null check code?
  • C# interview questions with answers PDF(covers different questions than the videos).

10 Lessons

03 Hours

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  • World-class training teacher
  • Bench has zero learning curve
  • We handle the rest.