Interview Questions & Answers Series for C# .NET Fresher & Experienced

Q&A Videos with PDF (Subscription Validity For 8 Months)

Trainer: Shivprasad Koirala

What you'll learn :-

Working in C#, ASP.NET MVC, Angular & SQL Server is one thing and cracking interviews are different ball game. You can be hero in your project who has executed huge projects but if you are not able to answer simple questions C#, ASP.NET MVC Core, Angular, SQL Server & JavaScript its difficult to reach to the next level.

This Interview question and answers course covers 190+ most asked questions with answers and code demonstration. After completing this course you should be able to handle interviews more efficiently.  Happy learning , Happy job hunting.

Course Content

  • Question 1 :- Explain difference between .NET and C# ?
  • Question 2 :- .NET Framework vs .NET Core vs .NET 5.0
  • Question 3 :- What is IL ( Intermediate Language) Code ?
  • Question 4 :- What is the use of JIT ( Just in time compiler) ?
  • Question 5 :- Is it possible to view IL code ?
  • Question 6 :- What is the benefit of compiling in to IL code ?
  • Question 7 :- Does .NET support multiple programming languages ?
  • Question 8 :- What is CLR ( Common Language Runtime) ?
  • Question 9 :- What is managed and unmanaged code ?
  • Question 10 :- Explain the importance of Garbage collector ?
  • Question 11 :- Can garbage collector claim unmanaged objects ?
  • Question 12 :- What is the importance of CTS ?
  • Question 13 :- Explain CLS ?
  • Question 14 :- Difference between Stack vs Heap ?
  • Question 15 :- What are Value types & Reference types?
  • Question 16 :- Explain boxing and unboxing ?
  • Question 17 :- What is consequence of boxing and unboxing ?
  • Question 18 :- Explain casting, implicit casting and explicit casting ?
  • Question 19 :- What can happen during explicit casting ?
  • Question 20 :- Differentiate between Array and ArrayList ?
  • Question 21 :- Whose performance is better array or arraylist ?
  • Question 22 :- What are generic collections ?
  • Question 23 :- What are threads (Multithreading)?
  • Question 24 :- How are threads different from TPL ?
  • Question 25 :- How do we handle exceptions in C#(try/catch)?
  • Question 26 :- What is the need of finally?
  • Question 27 :- Why do we need the out keyword ?
  • Question 28 :- What is the need of Delegates ?
  • Question 29 :- What are events ?
  • Question 30 :- Whats the difference between Abstract class and interface ?
  • Question 31 - What is a Delegate and how to create a Delegate?
  • Question 32 - Where have you used Delegates?
  • Question 33 - What is a Multicast Delegates?
  • Question 34 - What is an Event?
  • Question 35 - How to Create an Event?
  • Question 36 - Delegate VS Events.
  • Question 37 :- Why do we need OOP ?
  • Question 38 :- What are the important pillars of OOPs ?
  • Question 39 :- What is a class and object ?
  • Question 40 :- Abstraction vs Encapsulation?
  • Question 41 :- Explain Inheritance ?
  • Question 42 :- Explain virtual keyword ?
  • Question 43 :- What is overriding ?
  • Question 44 :- Explain overloading ?
  • Question 45 :- Overloading vs Overriding ?
  • Question 46 :- Explain static vs dynamic polymorphism ?
  • Question 47 :- Explain operator overloading ?
  • Question 48 :- Why do we need Abstract classes ?
  • Question 49 :- Are Abstract methods virtual ?
  • Question 50 :- Can we create a instance of Abstract classes ?
  • Question 51 :- Is it compulsory to implement Abstract methods ?
  • Question 52 :- Why simple base class replace Abstract class ?
  • Question 53 :- Explain interfaces and why do we need it ?
  • Question 54 :- Can we write logic in interface ?
  • Question 55 :- Can we define methods as private in interface ?
  • Question 56 :- If i want to change interface whats the best practice ?
  • Question 59 :- Explain Multiple inheritance in Interface ?
  • Question 60 :- Explain Interface Segregation principle ?
  • Question 61 :- Can we create instance of interface ?
  • Question 62 :- Can we do Multiple inheritance with Abstract classes ?
  • Question 63 :- Abstract Class vs interface interview questions and answers.
  • Question 64 :- Why do we need constructors ?
  • Question 65 :- In parent child which constructor fires first ?
  • Question 66 :- How are initializers executed ?
  • Question 67 :- How are static constructors executed in Parent child ?
  • Question 68 :- When does static constructor fires ?
  • Question 69 :- What is Shadowing?
  • Question 70 :- Explain method hiding?
  • Question 71 :- Shadowing vs Overriding ?
  • Question 72 :- When do we need Shadowing ?
  • Question 73 :- Explain Sealed Classes ?
  • Question 74 :- Can we create instance of sealed classes ?
  • Question 75 :- What are nested classes and when to use them ?
  • Question 76 :- Can Nested class access outer class variables ?
  • Question 77 :- Can we have public,protected access modifiers in nested class ?
  • Question 78 :- Explain Partial classes ?
  • Question 79 :- In What scenarios do we use partial classes ?
  • Question 80 :- What is SOLID ?
  • Question 81 :- What is the full form of SOLID ?
  • Question 82 :- What is the goal of SOLID ?
  • Question 83 :- Explain SRP with A example ?
  • Question 84 :- What is the benefit of SRP ?
  • Question 85 :- Explain OCP with a example ?
  • Question 86 :- What is the benefit of OCP ?
  • Question 87 :- Can you explain LISKOV Principle and it's violation?
  • Question 88 :- How can we fix LISKOV Problem ?
  • Question 89 :- Explain Interface Segregation Principle ?
  • Question 90 :- Is there a connection between LISKOV and ISP ?
  • Question 91 :- Define dependency inversion ?
  • Question 92 :- What is higher level module and lower level module ?
  • Question 93 :- How does dependency inversion benefit, show with an example ?
  • Question 94 :- Will only Dependency inversion solve decoupling problem ?
  • Question 95 :- Why do developers move object creation outside high lever module ?
  • Question 96 :- Explain IOC ( Inversion of Control) ?
  • Question 97 :- Explain Dependency Injection with an example ?
  • Question 98 :- Is SOLID, IOC and DI design pattern or Principle?
  • Question 99 :- Is only SOLID Enough for good code/ architecture ?
  • Question 100 :- What are the different types of "USING/HAS A" relationship ?
  • Question 101 :- What is a composition relationship ?
  • Question 102 :- Explain Aggregation ?
  • Question 103 :- Explain Association ?
  • Question 104 :- Differentiate between Composition vs Aggregation vs Association ?
  • Question 105 :- UML Symbols for Composition, Aggregation and Association
  • Question 106 :- Explain stack and Heap ?
  • Question 107 :- Where are stack and heap stored ?
  • Question 108 :- What goes on stack and what goes on heap ?
  • Question 109 :- How is the stack memory address arranged ?
  • Question 110 :- How is stack memory deallocated LIFO or FIFO ?
  • Question 111 :- How are primitive and objects stored in memory?
  • Question 112 :- Can primitive data types be stored in heap ?
  • Question 113 :- Explain value types and reference types ?
  • Question 114 :- Explain byval and byref ?
  • Question 115 :- Differentiate between copy byvalue and copy byref ?
  • Question 116 :- What is boxing and unboxing ?
  • Question 117 :- Is boxing unboxing good or bad ?
  • Question 118 :- Can we avoid boxing and unboxing ?
  • Question 119 :- What effect does boxing and unboxing have on performance ?
  • Question 120 :- Are string allocated on stack or heap ?
  • Question 121 :- How many stack and heaps are created for an application ?
  • Question 122 :- How are stack and heap memory deallocated ?
  • Question 123 :- Who clears the heap memory ?
  • Question 124 :- Where is structure allocated Stack or Heap ?
  • Question 125 :- Are structures copy byval or copy byref ?
  • Question 126 :- Can structures get created on Heap ?
  • Question 127: - Explain Garbage collector (GC)?
  • Question 128:- How does Garbage collector know when to clean the objects ?
  • Question 129 :- Is there a way we can see this Heap memory ?
  • Question 130 :- Does Garbage collector clean primitive types ?
  • Question 131: - Managed vs UnManaged code/objects/resources?
  • Question 132:- Can garbage collector clean unmanaged code ?
  • Question 133:- Explain Generations ?
  • Question 134:- What is GC0,GC1, and GC2 ?
  • Question 135:- Why do we need Generations ?
  • Question 136:- Which is the best place to clean unmanaged objects ?
  • Question 137:- How does GC behave when we have a destructor ?
  • Question 138:- What do you think about empty destructor ?
  • Question 139:- Explain the Dispose Pattern?
  • Question 140 :- Finalize vs Destructor ?
  • Question 141:- What is the use of using keyword ?
  • Question 142:- Can you force Garbage collector ?
  • Question 143:- Is it a good practice to force GC ?
  • Question 144:- How can we detect a memory issues ?
  • Question 145:- How can we know the exact source of memory issues ?
  • Question 146 :- What is a memory leak ?
  • Question 147 :- Can .NET Application have memory leak as we have GC?
  • Question 148:- How to detect memory leaks in .NET applications ?
  • Question 149:- Explain weak and strong references ?
  • Question 150 :- When will you use weak references ?
  • Question 151:- What are design patterns?
  • Question 152 :- Which are the different types of design patterns?
  • Question 153 :- Explain structural , Behavioral and Creational design pattern ?
  • Question 154:- Explain Singleton Pattern and the use of the same?
  • Question 155:- How did you implement singleton pattern?
  • Question 156:- Can we use Static class rather than using a private constructor?
  • Question 157:- Static vs Singleton pattern?
  • Question 158:- How did you implement thread safety in Singleton?
  • Question 159:- What is double null check in Singleton?
  • Question 160:- Can Singleton pattern code be made easy with Lazy keyword?
  • Question 161:- Can we rid of this double null check code?
  • C# interview questions with answers PDF.
  • Question No:- 1 :- Whats the use of Angular ?
  • Question No:- 2 :- What are directives in Angular ?
  • Question No:- 3 :- Explain the different types of Angular directives ?
  • Question No:- 4 :- Explain the importance of NPM and Node_Modules folder ?
  • Question No:- 5 :- Explain the importance of Package.json file in Angular ?
  • Question No:- 6 :- What is typescript and why do we need it ?
  • Question No:- 7 :- Explain importance of Angular CLI ?
  • Question No:- 8 :- Explain the importance of Component and Modules ?
  • Question No:- 9 :- What is a decorator in Angular ?
  • Question No:- 10 :- What are Annotationa or MetaData ?
  • Question No:- 11 :- What is a template ?
  • Question No:- 12 :- Explain the four types of Data bindings in Angular ?
  • Question No:- 13 :- Explain architecture of Angular ?
  • Question No:- 14 :- What is SPA in Angular ?
  • Question No:- 15 :- How to implement SPA in Angular ?
  • Question No:- 16 :- How to implement routing in Angular ?
  • Question No:- 17 :- Explain Lazy Loading ?
  • Question No:- 18 :- How to implement Lazy Loading in Angular ?
  • Question No:- 19 :- Define Services ?
  • Question No:- 20 :- What is Depedency Injection ?
  • Question No:- 21 :- How to implement Depedency Injection ?
  • Question No:- 23 :- Whats the benefit of Depedency Injection ?
  • Question No:- 24 :- Differentiate between ng serve and ng build ?
  • Question No:- 25 :- Explain the --prod parameter in ng build ?
  • Question No:- 26 :- Explain ViewChild and ViewChildren?
  • Question No:- 27 :- Why do we need Template reference variables?
  • Question No:- 28 :- What is ContentProjection?
  • Question No:- 29 :- Explain Content projection Slot?
  • Question No:- 30 :- What is ContentChild and ContentChildren?
  • Question No:- 31 :- ViewChild vs ViewChildren vs ContentChild vs ContentrChildren?
  • Question No:- 32 :- Explain the importance of Component life cycle ?
  • Question No:- 33 :- Explain events and sequence of component life cycle ?
  • Question No:- 34 :- Constructor vs ngOnInit() ?
  • Question No:- 35 :- How to make HTTP calls using Angular ?
  • Question No:- 36 :- What is the need of Subscribe function ?
  • Question No:- 37 :- How to handle errors when HTTP fails ?
  • Question No:- 38 :- How to pass data between components ?
  • Question No:- 39 :- Explain importance of input, output & event emitters ?
  • Question No:- 40 :- How to pass during routing ?
  • Question No:- 41 :- Is it a good practice to pass data using services ?
  • Question No:- 42:- What is the need of Angular Pipes?
  • Question No:- 43:- Can you name some built-in Angular Pipes?
  • Question No:- 44:- How to create Custom pipes in Angular?
  • Question No:- 45 :- Whats the full form of RxJs?
  • Question No:- 46 :- What is the purpose of RxJs?
  • Question No:- 47 :- What are observables and observers?
  • Question No:- 48 :- Explain the use of Subscribe with sample code.
  • Question No:- 49 :- How to unsbscribe in RxJs?
  • Question No:- 50 :- Explain concept of operators with sample code.
  • Question No:- 51 :- How to install RxJs?
  • Question No:- 52 :- Differentiate between promise and RxJs?
  • Question No:- 53 :- In Angular where have you used RxJs?
  • Question No:- 54 :- Which operators have you used from RxJs?
  • Question No:- 55 :- What is Push/reactive vs Pull/Imperative?
  • Question No:- 56 :- What are Interceptors in Angular?
  • Question No:- 57 :- How to implement Interceptors?
  • Question No:- 58 :- Give some use of Interceptors?
  • Question No:- 59 :- Can we provide multi-Interceptors?
  • Angular interview questions with answers PDF.
  • Question 1 :- What is ASP .NET MVC Core ?
  • Question 2 :- Differentiate between ASP .NET Webforms vs MVC vs MVC core ?
  • Question 3 :- Explain MVC Architecture ?
  • Question 4 :- Why do we have wwwroot folder ?
  • Question 5 :- Explain the importance of appsettings.json ?
  • Question 6 :- How to read configurations from appsettings.json ?
  • Question 7 :- What is dependency injection ?
  • Question 8 :- Why do we need dependency injection ?
  • Question 9 :- How do we implement dependency injection ?
  • Question 10 :- What is the use of Middleware ?
  • Question 11 :- How to create a Middle ware ?
  • Question 12 :- What does startup.cs file do ?
  • Question 13 :- ConfigureServices vs Configure method ?
  • Question 14 :- Explain the different Ways of doing DI?
  • Question 15 :- Explain Scoped vs Transient vs Singleton ?
  • Question 16 :- What is Razor ?
  • Question 17 :- How to pass Model data to a View ?
  • Question 18 :- What is the use of Strongly typed views ?
  • Question 19 :- Explain the concept of ViewModel in MVC ?
  • Question 20 :- What is Kestrel Web Server ?
  • Question 21 :- Why Kestrel when we have IIS server ?
  • Question 22 :- What is the concept of Reverse proxy ?
  • Question 23 :- What are cookies ?
  • Question 24 :- What is the need session management ?
  • Question 25 :- What are the various ways of doing Session management in ASP.NET ?
  • Question 26 :- What exactly is a session ?
  • Question 27 :- Explain "HTTP is a stateless protocol" ?
  • Question 28 :- What are various way of doing session management ?
  • Question 29 :- Are sessions enabled by default ?
  • Question 30 :- How to enable sessions in MVC core ?
  • Question 31 :- Are sessions variables shared(global) between users ?
  • Question 32 :- Do session variables use cookies ?
  • Question 33 :- What is a cookie ?
  • Question 34 :- Explain idle time out in sessions ?
  • Question 35 :- What does a Context means in HTTP ?
  • Question 36 :- When should we use viewdata ?
  • Question 37 :- How to pass data from controller to view ?
  • Question 38 :- In same request can viewdata persist across actions ?
  • Question 39 :- ViewData vs ViewBag
  • Question 40 :- How does ViewBag work internally?
  • Question 41 :- Explain ViewModel?
  • Question 42 :- ViewBag vs ViewModel whats the best practice?
  • Question 43 :- Explain tempdata ?
  • Question 44 :- Can tempdata persist across action redirects ?
  • Question 45 :- How is tempdata different from viewdata ?
  • Question 46 :- If tempdata is read is it available for next request ?
  • Question 47 :- How to persist tempdata ?
  • Question 48 :- What does Keep do in tempdata ?
  • Question 49 :- Explain Peek in tempdata ?
  • Question 50 :- How is tempdata different from session variables ?
  • Question 51 :- If i restart the server does tempdata,session stay ?
  • Question 52 :- Is tempdata private to a user ?
  • Question 53 :- ViewData vs ViewBag vs Tempdata vs Session variables?
  • Question 54 :- What is WebAPI ?
  • Question 55 :- What is the advantage of WebAPI ?
  • Question 56 :- Explain REST and Architectural constraints of REST?
  • Question 57 :- Can we use TCPIP protocol with Web API?
  • Question 58 :- How WebAPI different from MVC controller ?
  • Question 59 :- What is content negotiations in Web API ?
  • Question 60 :- WebAPI vs WCF ?
  • Question 61 :- WCF REST vs WebAPI REST ?
  • Question 62 :- How to return HTTP status codes ?
  • Question 63 :- For error which status code is returned ?
  • Question 64 :- How did you secure your web API ?
  • Question 65 :- How do current JS frameworks work with webAPI ?
  • Question 66 :- How does Token based Authentication works?
  • Question 67 :- Why is it called JWT Token?
  • Question 68 :- Explain the 3 sections of JWT Token?
  • Question 69 :- What are Identity and claims ?
  • Question 70 :- Differentiate between Authentication VS Authorization ?
  • Question 71 : Claims vs Roles ?
  • Question 72 :- Principal vs Identity
  • Question 73 :- Can we put critical information in JWT Token ?
  • Question 74 :- How do you create JWT Token in MVC ?
  • Question 75 :- What HTTP status code do you send for unauthorized access ?
  • Question 76 :- Where is Token Checked in ASP.NET MVC ?
  • Question 77 :- What is use of Authorize Attribute ?
  • Question 78 :- How did you implement JWT token security ?
  • Question 79 :- How do we send tokens from Client Side ?
  • Question 80 :- From Javascript,Jquery,Angular etc , How is token passed ?
  • Question 81 :- Increase UX experience in Mobile apps to avoid relogin ?
  • Question 82 :- What are refresh tokens ?
  • Question 83 :- How does Refresh token work ?
  • Question 84 :- Access tokens vs Refresh Tokens ?
  • Question 85 :- Whose expiry time is more Access tokens or Refresh tokens?
  • Question 86 :- Explain revocation of Refresh token ?
  • Question 87 :- How to extract Principal from a Token ?
  • Question 88 :- What is the best practice to store tokens at client side?
  • Question 89 :- If we store JWT in cookie how to save from XX attacks?
  • Question 90 :- What OAUTH and OpenID ?
  • Question 91 :- When should we use what?
  • Question 92 :- What is Identity Server?
  • Question 93 :- How to achieve single sign on ?
  • Question 94 :- What are scopes in Identity Server ?
  • ASP.NET MVC Core interview questions with answers PDF.
  • Question 1 :- Explain normalization ?
  • Question 2 :- How to implement normalization ?
  • Question 3 :- What is denormalization ?
  • Question 4 :- Explain OLTP vs OLAP ?
  • Question 5 :- Explain 1st,2nd and 3rd Normal form ?
  • Question 6 :- Primary Key vs Unique key ?
  • Question 7 :- Differentiate between Char vs Varchar ?
  • Question 8 :- Differentiate between Char vs NChar ?
  • Question 9 :- Whats the size of Char vs NChar ?
  • Question 10 :- What is the use of Index ?
  • Question 11 :- How does it make search faster?
  • Question 12 :- What are the two types of Indexes ?
  • Question 13 :- Clustered vs Non-Clustered index?
  • Question 14 :- Function vs Stored Procedures?
  • Question 15 :- What are triggers and why do you need it ?
  • Question 16 :- What are types of triggers ?
  • Question 17 :- Differentiate between After trigger vs Instead Of ?
  • Question 18 :- What is need of Identity ?
  • Question 19 :- Explain transactions and how to implement it ?
  • Question 20 :- What are inner joins ?
  • Question 21 :- Explain Left join ?
  • Question 22 :- Explain Right join ?
  • Question 23 :- Explain Full outer joins ?
  • Question 24 :- Explain Cross joins ?
  • Question 25 :- Why do we need UNION ?
  • Question 26 :- Differentiate between Union vs Union All ?
  • Question 27 :- Can we have unequal columns in Union?
  • Question 28 :- Can column have different data types in Union ?
  • Question 29 :- Which Aggregate function have you used ?
  • Question 30 :- When to use Group by ?
  • Question 31 :- Can we select column which is not part of group by ?
  • Question 32 :- What is having clause ?
  • Question 33 :- Having clause vs Where clause?
  • Question 34 :- How can we sort records ?
  • Question 35 :- Whats the default sort ?
  • Question 36 :- How can we remove duplicates ?
  • Question 37 :- Select the first top X records ?
  • Question 38 :- How to handle NULLS ?
  • Question 39 :- What is use of wild cards ?
  • Question 40 :- What is the use of Alias ?
  • Question 41 :- How to write a case statement ?
  • Question 42 :- What is self reference tables ?
  • Question 43 :- What is self join ?
  • Question 44 :- Explain the between clause ?
  • Question 45 :- Explain SubQuery ?
  • Question 46 :- Can inner Subquery return multiple results ?
  • Question 47 :- What is Co-related Query ?
  • Question 48 :- Differentiate between Joins and SubQuery ?
  • Question 49 :- Performance Joins vs SubQuery?
  • Question 50 :- Find NTH Highest Salary in SQL.
  • Question 51 :- Select the top nth highest salary using correlated Queries?
  • Question 52 :- Select top nth using using TSQL
  • Question 53 :- Performance comparison of all the methods.
  • SQL Server interview questions with answers PDF.
  • Question 1 :- Why do we call JavaScript as dynamic language
  • Question 2 :- how does JavaScript determine data types ?
  • Question 3 :- What is typeof ?
  • Question 4 :- How to check data type in JavaScript ?
  • Question 5 :- What are different datatypes in JavaScript ?
  • Question 6 :- Explain Undefined Data types ?
  • Question 7 :- What is Null ?
  • Question 8 :- Differentiate between Null and Undefined ?
  • Question 9 :- Explain Hoisting ?
  • Question 10 :- Are JavaScript initialization hoisted ?
  • Question 11 :- What are global variables ?
  • Question 12 :- What are the issues with Global variables ?
  • Question 13 :- What happens when you declare variable with out VAR ?
  • Question 14 :- What is Use Strict ?
  • Question 15 :- How to force developers to use Var keyword ?
  • Question 16 :- How can we handle Global Variables ?
  • Question 17 :- How can we avoid Global variables ?
  • Question 18 :- What are Closures ?
  • Question 19 :- Why do we need Closures ?
  • Question 20 :- Explain IIFE ?
  • Question 21 :- What is the use of IIFE ?
  • Question 22 :- What is name collision in global scope ?
  • Question 23 :- IIFE vs Normal Function
  • Question 24 :- What are design patterns ?
  • Question 25 :- Which is the most used design pattern
  • Question 26 :- What is module Pattern and revealing module pattern ?
  • Question 27 :- How man ways are there to create JavaScript objects ?
  • Question 28 :- How can we do inheritance in JavaScript ?
  • Question 29 :- What is prototype in JavaScript ?
  • Question 30 :-Explain Prototype chaining ?
  • Question 31 :- What is Let Keyword ?
  • Question 32 :- Are Let variables hoisted ?
  • Question 33 :- Explain Temporal Dead Zone ?
  • Question 34 :- Let vs Var
  • Question 35 :- String Concatenation and Arithmetic puzzle
  • Question 36 :- What is class in ES6 ?
  • Question 37 :- So with class Keyword does it imply JavaScript is a OOP language ?
  • Question 38 :- Differentiate between class and normal function ?
  • Question 39 :- What is a Arrow function ?
  • Question 40 :- Why do we use Arrow function ?
  • Question 41 :- Differentiate between Arrow vs Normal Function ?
  • Question 42 :- Does Arrow function create its own this ?
  • Question 43. Explain Synchronous execution ?
  • Question 44. What is a call Stack ?
  • Question 45. What is a blocking call ?
  • Question 46. How to avoid blocking calls ?
  • Question 47. Explain Asynchronous execution ?
  • Question 48. Synch vs Asynch ?
  • Question 49. How can we do Asynch calls ?
  • Question 50. What is a thread ?
  • Question 51. Explain Multi-threading ?
  • Question 52. Is JavaScript Multi-threaded ?
  • Question 53. Then how does Settimeout run ?
  • Question 54. What is a WebAPI/Browser API ?
  • Question 55. What is a Event loop and callback queue?
  • Question 56. Eventloop and Callback code question
  • Question 57. What are promises in JavaScript?
  • Question 58. How to catch error in promises ?
  • Question 59. What are callbacks ?
  • Question 60. Explain Promise chaining ?
  • Question 61. Three States of Promises ?
  • Question 62. Explain Async and Await ?
  • Question 63. Why to make a promise synch?
  • Question 64. Does Async represent a promise ?
  • Question 65. Can we use Async with out Await ?
  • Question 66. What are Micro and Macro queues ?
  • Question 67. Who executes first Micro or Macro ?
  • Question 68. How will the code execute(testing Micro and Macro)?
  • Question 69. Can we schedule a MicroTask Manually ?
  • Question 70. Are Micro and Macro Task synch or Async ?
  • Question 71. Explain Webworker ?
  • Question 72. How to create WebWorker ?
  • Question 73. What are postmessage and onmessage in webworker ?
  • Question 74. Can Webworker update UI ?
  • Question 75. WebWorker vs Async Task
  • Question 76. WebWorker vs Promises
  • Question 77. Asynch vs Threads
  • Question 78. Concurrency vs Parallelism
  • JavaScript interview questions with answers PDF.

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